Category Archives: Health

20 Healthy Foods You Better Eat in Moderation

By Dana Leigh Smith

Everything in moderation isn’t just a rule for pizza and cupcakes, it applies to healthy foods like oatmeal and dates, too—especially if losing weight is your top priority.
It’s totally possible to have too much of a good thing: sex, sunshine, and oatmeal, for example. Random combination, we know. But yes, we said oatmeal!
Sure, oats are a super healthy carb, but they’re also extremely calorie-dense, just like cake and truffle fries. And it’s not just oatmeal that should be added to your “everything in moderation” list. We’ve tracked down 19 other wholesome foods—that are packed with both good for you nutrients and calories—that every dieter should be aware of. Don’t think of them as off limits, just don’t eat them without abandon. And once you see how easy it is to scale down your portions and slim down, turbocharge your fit body efforts with these 55 Best-Ever Ways to Boost Your Metabolism.


The celeb trainer and author of Eat This, Not That! For Abs, Mark Langowski, swears by nuts (especially almonds!) as a flat belly food. “Thanks to their healthy fats and protein content, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios and peanuts can help control blood sugar and keep hunger pangs at bay,” he says. But the trick here is that he’s only eating them in handful-size portions. Each ounce has between 160 and 190 calories. Eat anymore of that in a single day and the crunchy treat will be opposite of slimming.


Quinoa, once reserved for the uber-trendy and health-conscious, is now totally mainstream—and we love it! It’s the only whole grain that contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a stellar vegan source of protein. “Cooked quinoa packs 8 grams of protein per cup, contains twice as much fiber as most other grains, and provides heart-healthy unsaturated fats,” explains Alissa Rumsey, Registered Dietitian and Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Protein, fat and fiber all help to slow down digestion, which keeps you full for longer and can help with weight control.” The only catch? You’ve got to eat it in moderation to reap the flat-belly benefits. “If you’re using quinoa as a main dish, 1 cup is a good portion to stick to and clocks in at about 220 calories. If having it as a side dish, go with ½ cup,” suggests Rumsey.


In 1884, Canadian Marcellus Gilmore Edson patented peanut butter. It’s been a staple in North American homes for the most of the 131 years since, and it’s easy to understand why. In their purest form, nut spreads like almond, peanut, and cashew butter, are packed with protein, fiber, and healthy monounsaturated fats that are heart-healthy,” explains registered dietitian and co-author of “Should I Scoop Out My Bagel,” Ilyse Schapiro. “Plus, consuming nut butter in moderation (one or two tablespoons), can help with weight loss because it is so satisfying. The good fat helps to fill you up, and prevents overeating later on.”


Just short of a miracle weight loss drug, extra virgin olive oil is a dieter’s BFF. Regularly eating the stuff has been shown to boost levels of adiponectin, a hormone that breaks down fat and it may increase blood levels of serotonin, a hormone associated with satiety. EVOO is also a potent source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, so it’s a great food to eat well into later life.


“Dates are a type of dried fruit that provides fiber, B vitamins, and health-boosting minerals, Rumsey tells us. “They’re naturally sweet, so they provide a great base to many traditional dessert foods and can replace some or all of the sugar typically used. Plus, the fiber helps to keep you full for longer, helping you to eat less and potentially lose weight.”


You already know that beans are good for your heart, but did you know that they’re also one of the best plant sources of muscle building protein and belly-flattening fiber? “This healthy mix of nutrients means that beans are digested slowly, which keeps you full and satiated long after a meal,” explains Rumsey. Since beans and legumes are a bit on the caloric side, portion control is a must. “Consume no more than ¾ to 1 cup of beans or legumes a day,” advises Rumsey. That clocks in between 200 and 250 calories, depending which kind you spoon onto your plate.


Trendy, popular and a bit of an overachiever in the health department (it’s rich in fiber, vitamins B6, C and E, potassium, magnesium and folic acid), avocado is like the homecoming queen of the fats parade. It’s also one of the 20 health foods you should eat in moderation. That’s because a medium fruit (yes, avocado is a fruit) packs a walloping 227 calories. Yikes!


The primary ingredient in hummus is chickpeas. And studies have shown that eating legumes like chickpeas four times a week correlates with a greater fat loss, likely because they’re jam-packed with filling nutrients like fiber and protein. The bad news? Downing half a container of the Mediterranean spread in a single sitting—which is easy to do—may just have the opposite effect. Rumsey suggests eating no more than a ¼ cup serving which has about 140 calories.


Oats: We’re big fans! Are they healthy and delicious? You betcha! But are they low in calories? Not so much. A small ¼th cup dry serving of steel cut oats packs 140 calories—but many people pour out two or three times that amount. But despite its caloric shortcoming, oatmeal has been shown to lower cholesterol levels, help control blood pressure and aid weight loss by boosting satiety, so they still get the green light.


Not only can dark chocolate help boost your heart health, it can also help you flatten your belly, thanks to its digesting-slowing stearic acid content. “I tell my patients about an ounce a day can help with their overall health, as part of a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, especially if it replaces more indulgent cravings,” says Nieca Goldberg, MD, cardiologist, Director of the Joan H. Tisch Center for Women’s Health at NYU Langone Medical Center. “However, people should remember that more isn’t better, and to make sure they watch portion sizes.


“Cheese provides protein and fat, both of which have a satiating effect. Aim for about 1-2 ounces, which is about the size of 2 to 4 dice,” says Rumsey. Take in any more than that and the calorie count will likely be too high to benefit weight maintenance or weight loss.”


There’s no denying that Greek yogurt is the reigning king of the daily aisle—not only is it packed with probiotics, it’s also overflowing with bone-boosting calcium and vitamin D. It’s also “super satisfying which can prevent losing control with portions or going overboard at meals,” says Schapiro. But don’t sit down with a container of the stuff more than once a day. The 0% plain variety has 100 calories for 6-ounces, and the 2% has 130 calories, but the flavored kinds can carry far more than that. “You can use the big tubs if you want to save money, but just make sure to measure out about 6-ounces, or ¾ cup, so you don’t overdo it,” advises Schapiro.


Bananas are one of the only foods that can reduce bloat, fight cancer and increase your energy—all for just 19 cents a piece. The best part: Each one comes with a free carrying case, so you can grab it and go! Its only real downside is that it carries more calories than its more water-filled friends like apples, berries, and cherries. Each one has 120 calories, so it’s best to cut yourself off after round one.


Coconut and coconut oil are both high in calories and saturated fat, but more than half of that comes from lauric acid, a unique lipid that battles bacteria and improves cholesterol scores. And get this: A study published in Lipids found that dietary supplementation of coconut oil actually reduced abdominal obesity. (Yes, that means belly fat!)


Not only do they make tasty additions to pasta, zoodle, and chicken dishes, sun-dried tomatoes are a good source of vitamins C and K and the antioxidant lycopene, which has been associated with lower risk of certain cancers, explains Rumsey. In fact, compared to fresh tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes can contain 20 percent more lycopene per serving, but they also pack nine times more calories. One cup of them has 234 calories while fresh tomatoes have just 26. That’s a huge difference.


Gram for gram potatoes are one of the most caloric veggies in the produce aisle—but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for them in your diet. “Potatoes are chock full of nutrients including vitamin B6, bloat-banishing potassium and filling fiber. They’re also rich in antioxidants, and can help to lower blood pressure,” Schapiro tells us. “Stick to a fist-sized potato, for about 110 calories. And if you buy a larger potato, eat half and save the rest for tomorrow. Fried and mashed potatoes tend to add up in the calories and fat department, so it’s best only to eat those varieties on occasion.”


You’d be hard pressed to find a health or nutrition expert that would advise against eating more veggies and fruit. But remember: this rule doesn’t apply to the dried variety. “Dried apricots are a good source of vitamin A, potassium, and fiber, but a healthy portion of dried fruit is only ¼ of a cup,” warns Rumsey. “Eat any more than that and you’ll go overboard on the sugar and calories.” For a point of reference, a ¼ cup serving of dried apricots has 110 calories and 17 grams of the sweet stuff.


“Butter is making a comeback, and if you’re going to have some, grass-fed is the way to go, says Schapiro. “It is rich in vitamin K2 which may help to reverse calcification in your arteries. Butter can also help slow down the absorption of sugar and carbohydrates, leading to more consistent energy levels throughout the day.That said, grass-fed butter has between 100 to 110 calories per tablespoon. A little goes a long way so you shouldn’t need more. If you can’t control yourself, measure it out and put it on a plate and then put it back in the refrigerator.”


Pork is a potent source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, and as long a you don’t pig out, bacon is a great way to reap the benefits. A single pan-fried slice packs just 20 calories and 0.4 grams of fat.


Also known as linseed oil, flaxseed oil is a great source of ALA, an essential omega-3 fatty acid that can aid weight maintenance and reduce heart disease risks by reducing inflammation. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, though, that it’s calorically-dense— it’s a fat, after all. Stick to a tablespoon or less per day, which clocks in at 120 calories.

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Easy Ways to Increase Metabolism:

Ever wonder why your best friend can go through a pint of Ben & Jerry’s without gaining a pound while just one spoonful goes straight to your hips? The answer lies in your metabolism, that little engine in your body that burns calories all day, every day. Because of genetics, some women burn fat faster than others. But age, weight, diet, and exercise habits also play a role. “As women age, their metabolisms slow down, mainly because they are losing five or six pounds of muscle each decade starting in the mid-20s,” explains fitness expert Wayne Westcott, Ph.D., fitness research director of the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Massachusetts. Translation: You may be burning 100 fewer calories a day at 35 than at 25. But there are easy things you can do to stoke your fat-burning potential. “There’s no reason you can’t have the same metabolism in your 30s and 40s that you had in your 20s,” stresses Pamela Peeke, M.D., author of Fight Fat After Forty. These are the simple tips our experts shared on how to crank up your internal flame.

Don’t overdo calorie cutting.

Putting yourself on a very-low-calorie diet is a surefire way not to lose. “Your body is programmed to defend your usual weight,” says Liz Applegate, Ph.D., professor of nutrition at the University of California at Davis and author of Bounce Your Body Beautiful. “So if you suddenly drop 1,000 calories from your diet, your resting metabolic rate [the number of calories your body burns to maintain basic bodily functions, such as breathing and heartbeat] will automatically slow down, because your body now assumes that you’re starving.”
So how many calories should you consume? Depending on your level of activity, you can safely lose anywhere from half a pound to two pounds a week if you multiply your current weight by 11, says Applegate. (For example, if you’re 120 pounds, aim for around 1,320 calories a day.) Unless you’re less than five feet tall, don’t let your daily calories dip below 1,200. “Research shows that women who consume less than this amount see their resting metabolic rate plummet by as much as 45 percent,” notes Dale Huff, R.D., a St. Louis nutritionist.

Eat breakfast.

Believe it or not, it may be the most important meal of the day as far as metabolism (and weight loss) is concerned. Breakfast eaters lose more weight than breakfast skippers do, according to studies. “Your metabolism slows while you sleep, and it doesn’t rev back up until you eat again,” explains Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., professor of nutrition at Penn State University and an author of The Volumetrics Weight-Control Plan. So if you bypass breakfast, your body won’t burn as many calories until lunchtime as it could. That’s why it’s smart to start the day with a solid 300- to 400-calorie meal; it jump-starts your metabolism.
Aim for a breakfast that has plenty of high-fiber carbs: When researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia compared the effects of high-fat and high-fiber-carbohydrate breakfasts, they discovered that people who ate the fatty meal got hungry sooner afterward. “High-fiber carbohydrates take longer for your body to digest and absorb than fats; thus they don’t cause rapid changes in your blood sugar, so your hunger is kept at bay longer,” says study coauthor Susanna Holt, Ph.D. Some good choices: a bran-rich breakfast cereal with low-fat milk; whole-grain toast topped with low-fat ricotta and sliced banana or berries; an egg-white veggie omelette with whole-grain toast.